Welcome to Team ADHD

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Hello! I'm Mohammad Rafiqul Islam, a Psychology student focusing on ADHD in context of the subcontinent. Often, due to our limited scholarly, technological, and financial resources compared to the Western world, we tend to overlook the prevalence of attention-related issues. Through this blog, I aim to provide insights, experiences, and practical tools tailored to our context. You might be wondering why I haven't opted for a YouTube channel on the topic. Well, I believe that those visiting this site, likely grappling with ADHD themselves, shouldn't be led to a platform that has potential to distract them in order to focus on their attention.

Listen, ADHD isn't a disease or a negative trait. It's simply a state your brain ends up in after a certain period without the guidance of a 'CEO' directing it according to the demands of socio-economic culture. Rather, it has some fascinating perks as well...

So, let's embark on this journey together and unlock the strategies for mastering focus and productivity in our daily lives!
